Colourful Semantics - Learning to ask
Children who have language delay/difficulties often rely on pointing to show someone what they would like to have or use single words/short phrases. By using visuals to represent the words we speak, we can help them to understand which words we would use to ask for something.
The sentence prompts are colour coded to show the child how to join words together into a sentence, in the correct order, when asking for what they want e.g. "I want to play outside," "I want to drink juice." They can be used in specific play activities when modelling communication to the child, throughout the daily routine at home/nursery/school to help them communicate their choices or in therapy sessions to help develop their understanding and spoken vocabulary.
Start by finding the sentence strip that has the correct 'doing' word on it and model the sentence for them whilst pointing to each picture one at a time. Wait for them to respond and then repeat again to give them another chance to learn the sentence. Have the sentence in front of them so that they can point to the pictures as you speak and as they attempt to say the sentence to help guide them. You can add in the third word by saying it, by drawing it into the square box or by sticking on a picture of the thing they want.
This PDF digital download includes:
- 30 x sentence strips with a subject verb object structure
- A range of 30 different action words to cover a wealth of things they may like to ask for
- Colour coding which follows the same colours as the Colourful Semantic Therapy approach
This resource would be useful for a wide range of children, those with Autism Spectrum Condition, Developmental Language Disorder, Learning Disability, Hearing Impairment, Language Delay, Speech Delay/Disorder etc. Great resource for parents, teachers, learning support staff, childminders and Speech and Language Therapists.