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Colourful Semantics - Sentence Building Activity Pack

Colourful Semantics - Sentence Building Activity Pack

Children with Speech and Language difficulties are often very good visual learners. The Colourful Semantics therapy approach helps them to see how words are put together into sentences, joining the words together and putting them in the right order.


This sentence activity pack is a fantastic activity to do at home, nursery and school when helping your child to expand on their language skills and use longer phrases and sentences. It will also help in giving them more vocabulary and a wider knowledge of nouns and verbs.


The pack comes with pictures for you to talk about with the child and symbol cards to match up with the picture, one for who is in the picture, one for what they are doing, one for what they have got and one for where they are. The child needs to choose the right symbol and place it in the right place for the sentence. You then point to the symbols as you say the sentence together.


This can work particularly well for children who are Autistic, children who are learning English as an additional language, children who have Language Delay/Disorder and children who have additional needs such as learning disability.


This PDF digital download includes:

  • 3 different picture boards for 3 different types of sentences (Subject + Verb + Object, Subject + Verb + Location and Subject + Verb + Object + Location.)
  • 48 different picture scenarios to talk about and make sentences with
  • 163 symbol cards for who, what doing, with what and where vocabulary


This is a fantastic activity for parents, childminders, professionals, teachers and therapists to have when working with children with Speech and Language difficulties and supporting their expressive language development.

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